Wednesday, October 19, 2011

May 5- October 18........ Whoa...

Quite a bit has changed over the past 5 months.... First off all... I went to this TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT on June 26, best day ever! (In case you were wondering) :)

I don't think anyone will ever understand how much stuff she has gotten me through. When I'm at my breaking point and just want to run away forever, I turn on her CD and lay in bed, and it all goes away... Pretty amazing if you ask me. I really love her! But, also, I love her hottie bass player, Amos Heller.



He IS such a stud, no doubt. :P But, over the past 5 months also, I've become obsessed with Charles Kelley from Lady Antebellum.. You know, that HOT blonde with the amazing voice?

<- Hottest guy on Earth! Just so you know.

And finally with the Celebrity gossip for me, I got this TOTALLY AWESOME DVD of Taylor the other day:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Osama vs. Obama

Rot in Hell you evil bastard

10 years later the 'hide and seek' master is dead.
I heard on the news this morning he sewed money and numbers in case he got away.... I wonder if he knew they were coming?

Oh well. He is dead, America is happy. I am happy.

Like I read on someone's facebook "America is like Charlie Sheen..... WINNING!" Oh yes we are!
God Bless the USA!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Nothing has really happened the past few days. Sunday night we all went to Aaron's moms for some Ice Cream Cake for her birthday, which was on the 27th. It was good. Saturday I babysat my brother, and had the chance to babysit Shayla, but I called too late, she went to Nicole's. So I babysat Lucy, because Nicole was a little busy, for a few hours and made $5. Pretty easy money. 
Also on Sunday night I reconnected with my dad. I was having a hard time at home with my sister, so I texted him and talked for a little while. then I called him yesterday after school. He told me to keep in touch. I plan on it. When all fails at home, I need someone to talk to.
So Friday night we all had a party at our house and invited some people over.

Their is Sam's car, Sarah's, moms and Aarons truck.
This was really the only pic I took. I was having too much fun! 

Then we cannot forget my brother, of course! So here is some pic updates of him.

Yup, he is in Daddy's Magnum. Biggest tractor I ever seen. I mean. even the wheel looks bigger than him. He will sure be a country boy. :)

He loves himself some tractors. Daddy was eating Subway, so I took him in. For a ride? I wish! I want to drive that think soooooo bad. Someday hopefully.

Mom went to the store to get some groceries, and left Colton in the car by ourselves, so luckily a truck with 2 small baby puppies pulled up next to us and they barked and barked. Colton loved it! I did too, they were soooo cute!

He is just SO cute! How can you not love him?! 

Well, I guess I got a picture of the puppies. If you look closely, you can see the little white one, near the steering wheel, and the other barking behind. I gotta say though, I love how my camera took the reflection of the pole on the truck though!

Of course, when Daddy rides and mixes feed, Colton is right with him. Like that. Cutest thing ever. He is so going to take after his dad.

And I just sat in to old beat up tractor snapping pictures. I think this was the first tractor I ever drove. So at least I got good memories with this one. 

And Colton was our designated driver this weekend. Well, luckily we didn't crash. He wasn't even paying attention to the road! hah

Well, right here he is, only for the fact their was horses up ahead though.

And here is my 2 loves ever!

Then we went on a walk to see Daddy. Apparently he was so excited he fell asleep. 

But this is obviously before he fell asleep. He was pretty close though! I like the reflection of the sun in this one. Cuteness!!

My stupid finger is in the way, but I love this one! 

And to top my weekend off, their was clear skies all over. Perfection. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

In my free time.....................

Whenever I am bored out of my mind I like to check out a few websites that I personally LOVE! Such as...

Cleverbot. A robot that makes you believe its a human by the way it talks, but I read it isn't. It just nows a lot of subjects. I even took a few pictures of it off my laptop because I love how funny it is. And these are all different conversations, all though it looks all the same.


My personal favorite-

I swear we could write a movie together if we tried!

Then, their is Postsecret. My Sunday first, before I even get out of bed. I have to read these. And they only post them every Sunday, so then I have something to look forward to. Its a place where people post their secrets without anyone knowing or saying it out loud. And here is a few screenshots of them.

You gotta admit, it is interesting. 

Then I like Fml (F My Life). A place where people go to post things that ticks them off or whatever. I just love it.

Interesting enough, right? Yup. I sure think so.

Then their is either KidsGiveMeHope, LoveGivesMeHope, or GivesMeHope. I think they are all the same in some way, thats why I put them in the same area. All heart warming, (especially LoveGivesMeHope). 




And last but not least, Unfriendable. A place where people post really stupid questions, comments, facebook posts, yahoo questions. Anything from anywhere. I LOVE this one.

Best one by far. So, in my free time, before I go to bed, when I wake up, when I am just bored. I check out all of these. I have to EVERY day for my day to be complete. So, another good post down.YAY!!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Favorite T.V. shows.....

Ok, so beginning of 2011 I recently started to LOVE   'Modern Family' 

I mean, who wouldn't love this show?! I am like.. inlove with Phil (Ty Burrell), only for the fact he is a hottie! And the Show this picture was taken on is one of the best shows ever.

Then, we have this show- The Walking Dead.

Well, this one is a favorite, partly because I think Andrew Lincoln is a hottie also. But thats not the only reason why I like the show. I mean, look at all those zombies. I really hate zombies, but this show is an exception. All of those zombies want him, and he is running foe cover, because he knows he is screwed. They are all eating a horse, but they realized he was there as fresh meat in no time. This show is intense and suspenseful. It is a must see.

Yup, hes a hottie.

My father even pointed out I like the guys with short brown/black hair. Its true, I do.